Good stories surprise, inspire, and stick with you. That’s my goal for every adventure.

The Merc with a Story


Quinn Sellers

Bearded and beautiful.

(His wife may have written this section).


Quinn (he/him) is a storyteller above all else. He’s been a dungeon master for D&D in Pathfinder and 5th Edition, as well as Vampire the Masquerade (5th), Fantasy Age, and other TTRPGs. His tech savviness and eye for design lends itself well to virtual tabletop games, as he’s designed many streaming overlays for Twitch games, set up virtual maps, and worked on other creative projects with friends in the industry. While in-person play used to be the norm, the pandemic has proven that virtual play can be just as engaging and meaningful. As such, Quinn now looks forward to offering his services as a storyteller to the world. As a side bonus, he also makes his own dice!

Sample One-Shot

In 2019, I attended D&D in a Castle and met an amazing group of players. We kept in contact and swapped roles as DM to play monthly one-shots. This video is one of the one-shots I ran, where we reassembled our original group of characters to play a holiday adventure. For this game, we also streamed on Twitch. Note that this was an early effort, and I forgot to hit record right at the beginning, but they’re just explaining what their characters have done for the last “year”.


Character art by Jacob Grimoire (and Nicolai Figueroa for Mina/chef)